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deerstore-handling101-img01It has taken me years to learn what I know, but I’d like to share it all with you in two nights.

What can an Old Koboy like me teach you? Well, I’ve been around the industry long enough to know I don’t know everything, but how to handle deer without the use of drugs is definitely something I know a lot about. In fact, it has been my passion for over 20 years now.

I was one of the whitetail deer farming pioneers here in Alberta, Canada. I helped to extract whitetail deer from the wild to serve as seed stock for our domestic herd. I was so passionate about handling whitetail deer without the use of drugs I even invented and patented the highly respected Delclayna DeerhandlerTM to help other farmers handle their deer safely and efficiently too.

dh101Sign up now for the
Deer Handling 101
teleseminar today by clicking here!

In this seminar, I share with you everything I’ve learned about how to manage your deer herd like a pro. You will walk away feeling prepared to tackle even the most challenging management tasks. And now you can learn it all in the comfort of your own home. In this 2 evening teleseminar, you will learn:

  • The best way to handle deer according to the Old Koboy
  • Deer handling myths
  • What it means to handle deer with Mother Nature
  • Why it’s important to know what kind of animal you are dealing with
  • Rookie mistakes and how to avoid them
  • What you need to do before you start handling
  • How to move deer from pasture to handling facility
  • What to watch out for while moving your deer
  • How farm layouts affect your deer handling practices
  • Important features every good handling facility should have
  • My favourite farm layout of all time
  • and much, much more

Each night of the teleseminar I will share with you all my Deer Handling secrets and then I will open the lines to allow time for questions and answers.

The next available date for this priceless opportunity is:

November 18th and 19th

Call now to book your spot. Pre-registration is required. Participate in this invaluable seminar and take advantage of Len’s 20 years of deer handling experience for an investment of $495. You can call us at (780) 973-7020, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or click here to BUY NOW. Here’s hoping to see you there.


Len Jubinville


Order your copy of our new E-Book

Proven Deer Handling 
Facility and Farm Plans.


Visit our online store to purchase it now!